Farewell (for now)

This is the last issue of BGW. I have decided to put it on hold for now. Life is catching up with me and I don't have the time necessary to maintain it. I'll make the archives of past issues available and you'll still be able to find me on Twitter under @BoardGamerWkly.

Thank you!

Star Wars

George Lucas' brainchild has probably created more fans than any other franchise in the entertainment history. What started as a film trilogy is now ennealogy with spinoffs, countless books, comics, video games, board games, etc. Star Wars day is coming soon - May 4th so it's a good time to look into some board games from the galaxy far far away.

Ever since the first movie, the board games have started to pour in. There are more than 300! games and expansions listed on Star Wars family of games on BGG. They range from reimplementations of other games like Risk: Star Wars, Carcassone: Star Wars and Star Wars: Imperial Assault (reimplementation of Descent) to original games like Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit, Star Wars: The Card Game, Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game and Star Wars: Armada.

Fantasy Flight Games has the license to produce Star Wars board games at the moment and it uses it very well. Last year we had two new hits from them - Star Wars: Destiny and Star Wars: Rebellion which is at the moment #5 overall on BGG.

April 29th, 2017 is the International Tabletop Day! What will you be playing? Any Star Wars games?


Articles and Videos


Reviews and Playthroughs


Inside the Box

I have discovered Inside the Box last year and it's one of my favorite YouTube channels. Their shows are extremely entertaining to the point that they feel like a regular sitcom show that you would watch even if you are not interested in board games.

They don't produce many videos, an average is one video per two months, mostly because the production effort is so high. Warning - the show is not family friendly, as they use some profanities and even show some sex toys.

You can also find them on Twitter and Instagram and If you like them, become their patron on Patreon.

That's it for this week. I hope you have enjoyed reading this issue and all the previous ones. Like I said above, BGW is going on hold for now. You can still follow it on Twitter and Facebook as I won't retire those accounts, but expect some activity on Twitter only.

Thanks for reading!

Board Gamer Weekly