Ameritrash vs Eurogames

This used to be one of those cheesy arguments, like Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Marvel vs. DC, Call of Duty vs. Medal of Honor... A few years back, we could group almost all board games according to their theme and mechanic.

American-style board games, that were derogatorily called Ameritrash, were dripping with themes, with direct player conflict, complex rules and often involving a high degree of luck. Typical representatives of Ameritrash would be games like Arkham Horror, Star Wars: Rebellion or Zombicide.

On the other hand, a style of games originating in Germany was called Eurogames. Eurogames had simple rules, shorter play time, abstract components, often with an economic theme and required more strategic thinking than using luck or conflict mechanic. Typical representatives would be Agricola, Catan or Carcassonne.

The thin line that divides Ameritrash and Eurogames is slowly fading. Modern games are mostly borrowing mechanics from both camps, making them hard to be classified in one of those groups. Take Twilight Imperium for instance, or Mage Knight, Gloomhaven, Chaos in the Old World...

While this categorization might make sense some years ago, that's no longer the case. In the end, what matters the most is that you enjoy playing.


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Uwe Rosenberg

When you take a look at the top 100 games on BGG, Uwe is one of the most prolific board game designers in the world with new games becoming the instant hits.

Most of his games are complex euro games with economic aspects and innovative card mechanics but he is also designed other type of games, like Patchwork which is at the moment #1 abstract game on BGG.

If you are into euro games, you probably have at least one of his games in the collection. Some of his most popular games are Agricola, Caverna, Le Havre, Bohnanza, Ora et Labora, Patchwork, Fields of Arle and of course, last year's hit, A Feast for Odin.

You can read more about him on Board Game Geek designer page, Flaming Dice Reviews interview, or an older 2009. BGG interview.

That's it for this week. I hope you have enjoyed reading this issue. Please share with your friends, subscribe if you have not already and follow BGW on Twitter and Facebook.

Title image created from modified Flickr images by Geoffrey Fairchild and Hubert Figuière.

Board Gamer Weekly